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Evgeni BaratashviliDavit BibichadzeTamar Lagvilava


Nowadays, innovative economies are systematically emerging completely new problems that are caused by sharp changes in external and internal environment, with uncertainty and unpredictability, emergency and crisis situations. The solution of these tasks is related to the search for nonstandard approaches, the copying of which is impossible from existing theoretical concepts or past experience. This is precisely the reason for the active use of creative management in companies’ management.

The purpose of this work is to present one of the most advanced branches of Creative Management – Extreme Management and show different approaches in comparison with Traditional Management.

Extreme-management is a special type of organization management based on an active involvement of all participants in the management process in developing and realizing non-standard, extravagant solutions and actions with high quality risk. Such decisions should provide dynamic and sustainable development, in the light of the constant variable requirements for the organization's work.

Extreme-management is a flexible, dynamic model of management for any type of organization characterized by turbulence, instability, indefinity, unpredictability or high speed of change. The principle peculiarity of extreme management is that it does not give ready headlines and typical practical recommendations though it provides the company with new creative decisions and effective methodological tools for creating new updated solutions every time the failure is inadmissible.

There are principal differences in Traditional and Extreme management conditions, tasks and contents. The basic prerequisites provided in the management decision-making process in traditional management are the following: introduction of scientific-technical progress; acceleration of technological innovations; continuous perfection; innovation of product; required update of technologies, etc..

The most important task of extreme management is to reduce the period of time for generating, developing and receiving extreme management decisions. Extreme management decision - is a decision that contains active and nonstandard (sometimes shocking and non-coping) events including a high degree of extreme direction and risk, mainly characterized by high speed and efficiency in decision making.

The most important signs of extreme management decisions include not only high level of adaptability to the flexible and constant changing requirements and conditions, but also high level of creativity and innovation.

Extreme management is based on specific management principles from which the most important are the following:

  • Principle of anthropocentricity, which implies that extreme management should serve the interests of people who are the key factors for success in general  and successful solving of problems, while traditional  management considers people as process servers;
  • Principle of minimizing strict control of creating and management of the creative atmosphere (applied technologies, instruments, methods, etc.), as well as delegating the control function to all its participants with permanent self-correction;
  • Principle of charisma - Extreme-managers do not just lead, but they also lead the "extreme breaks team" ;
  • Risk Intelligence Principle (Understanding Risk Principle),which means that the organization may  be in danger while using traditional management approaches, instruments and methods in the period  of turbulence, uncertainty and unpredictability;
  • The Principle of Freedom and Improvisation for managers involved in extreme management decisions;
  • Principle of constant search of Balance in the process of using traditional and innovative methods of management in extreme management, etc.;


Extreme managers training should be provided with active, consistent organizational consulting not only in the process of education but also after the end of it, with the active involvement and consulting of organization management.

Education and training of extreme managers cannot be effective if carried out only in compliance with the information and evaluation; it should be accompanied by meaningful and empirical composition. It is clear that the preparation of extreme managers should be built on an adaptive technological training together with the significant part of practical training (using cases and other active methods).

This kind of practice will certainly facilitate to improve knowledge, skills and competences, and also build managers' motivation to enhance their professional skills. Overcoming extreme, emergency and crisis situations, undoubtedly, requires the effort of the whole management team - the team that has the ability to organize and make extreme decisions according to the high professional competence and energy of extreme managers. It requires the knowledge and skills of extreme managers in the formation of the team.

The training program for extreme managers will include modern creative tools and non-standard effective decision-making techniques as well as innovative mechanisms for   successful implementation of set goals.

Extreme-managers training program should include an active methodology of training that   allows the formation of individual models, styles and methods for working in different extreme conditions.

It is obvious that traditional methods of management often do not work or are less effective in extreme situations. Accordingly, it requires searching and using of principally new, unused instruments and technologies for achieving management goals in extreme conditions.

Taking into consideration the fact that extreme management is based on extreme maneuvering decisions, extreme levels of risk-taking, hence its methods, too, should include not as much traditional, as for as, creative tools.